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It’s Not Too Late To Fill Pavement Cracks

An unfortunate fact of property management is that asphalt pavements crack over time. Some managers put off filling these cracks only to see them widen and worsen. This, in turn, takes away from the appearance of the property.

When To Repair Cracked Pavements

The best time to fill cracks is from April through November. During the fall, rain fills these cracks. As temperatures drop, the water expands as it hardens, especially if it forms ice. This expands the cracks. The cycle then repeats itself throughout the winter season into early spring.

Why Procrastination Is Dangerous

Procrastination costs businesses a lot of money when it comes to repairing cracked pavements. Some people may believe that living in Florida insulates them from the cold weather. However, temperatures can dip as low as the early 50s in the winter months.

How Effective Is Crack Repairing

Contractors use filling material heated to 300℉ to fill the cracks. As the material cools, it expands to ensure it fills the crack completely. It dries within minutes, which reduces the likelihood of tenants or visitors tracking this into the building. The material is flexible and responds well to most weather conditions. However, extreme temperature changes may cause the crack to reappear.

How To Properly Maintain Pavements

Repairing cracks is just one aspect of the maintenance work. Property managers should commit to inspecting pavements on an annual basis and refilling any cracks before they grow into bigger problems. Sealcoating also helps to extend the lifespan of your asphalt pavement. A proper overlay may become necessary every 20 or so years.

Is it time to inspect, repair, seal, or repave your asphalt driveway or parking lot? Try to get this task out of the way before the colder season comes around again. Azzarelli Paving & Site Development has been paving with pride since 1983. Call 813-296-6500 or email us today!

Save Time and Money with an Asphalt Parking Lot

As a property manager, you make many important decisions for the company you work for. Some of those decisions are difficult and the pros and cons may not always be clear. Now and then, you can make a decision that is a win-win, making you look like a hero. That’s the case with asphalt parking lots. They save the company time and money, and they are better for customers and tenants, too. In addition to looking great, a well-maintained parking lot is safer, easier to access, and requires a manageable level of maintenance. In many cases, with a scheduled program of maintenance, a good-looking parking lot runs almost on auto pilot.

Clear Benefits of Asphalt for Customers

Your customers will love the clean look of asphalt. With a little bit of care, your clients will enjoy the following advantages:

  • A smoother surface makes it easier on vehicles
  • Quality striping shows up well and provides clear directions
  • Asphalt has enhanced skid resistance
  • A level surface reduces trips and falls

Along with good lighting and fresh striping, an asphalt parking lot increases safety for all users. Sealcoating improves drainage and the appearance of the lot by eliminating stains and other blemishes.

Distinct Advantages for Owners

An asphalt parking lot can be installed relatively quickly, reducing company downtime during the construction period. In many cases, a new parking lot can be accomplished in a few short days. Much of the maintenance on asphalt can be done in a non-intrusive manner with zero inconvenience to clients.

Asphalt strengthens the company bottom line in several ways. A well-maintained surface attracts customers, bringing in business to the company. The same can be said for tenants, who appreciate a nice place to park each day. To learn more about the benefits of asphalt contact Azzarelli Paving & Site Development by calling 813-296-6500 or emailing us today!

How to Identify High-Quality Parking Lot Paving

Your business’s parking lot is important. If it’s time to replace your lot, you want to make sure you get the highest quality service. Asphalt parking lots should last for a long time. When looking for a contractor, you can always look at their prior work to see if they’d be the right fit. Here is what to look for in their work to determine whether they will deliver a high-quality paving job.

Smooth Appearance

Commercial parking lots should not be bumpy in appearance. After a brand-new job, it should look smooth and free of bumps. Bumps not only look bad, but can often be a sign that the new asphalt will not last. When you look at a company’s work, look for a smooth parking lot without a lot of bumps or jagged details.

Appropriate Drainage

When it comes to asphalt, water is one of the biggest hazards. If your parking lot can’t drain, the water may pool or drain into the cracks and ruin your parking lot. Not to mention, it can be dangerous for cars and pedestrians. A quality paving job should always include sufficient drainage.

Quality Detailed

A trustworthy paving company will pay close attention to every detail. While the big picture is important, that isn’t all that the company needs to focus on. Instead, a quality pave job pays attention to every detail, from the biggest to the smallest. The contractors will work hard to ensure that you have durable, smooth, and even pavement.

Durable Base

When a contractor lays a brand-new parking lot, he or she will need to create a base first. This base is generally made from gravel. You need the base to stay strong under pressure. After all, parking lots not only handle heavyweight vehicles, but they deal with a lot of traffic as well.

If it’s time to pave your commercial parking lot, you want to choose a company with a reputation that matches the quality work you need completed. For a high-quality job contact Azzarelli Paving by calling 813-296-6500 or sending us an email today!

How Long Does It Take for Paved Asphalt to Harden?

Paved asphalt is an excellent surface option for businesses looking to provide a smooth, comfortable parking lot for their customers. Whether you’ve just paved your asphalt parking lot for the first time or had repair work done, here are some general guidelines for the amount of time you should wait before using your paved parking area. Be sure to verify a general timeline with your contractor, as these times can vary depending on several factors, including the time of year.

The First 24 Hours

Expect to wait at least 24 hours before standing on your new asphalt. You can walk on the asphalt the next day, as the drying process continues. However, high heels and cleats can leave imprints in your day-old asphalt, so avoid these shoes, car traffic, and any other heavy or sharp objects for at least three days.

After three days, the asphalt is typically completely dry. Of course, humidity and temperature can affect this timeline. Your customers can now park on your road or parking lot without concerns of damage due to excessive weight.

The Complete Drying Process

The drying process happens in phases. Your asphalt may look and feel dry, but a complete curing typically takes much longer than three days. Plan on up to six months of drying before your asphalt is ready for large vehicles.

Long-Term Considerations

In between three days and six months, you can still drive on your driveway or allow customers to park in the parking lot. The edges of your parking lot may be softer than a fully cured surface, so avoid driving off the curb or parking at the very edge of the lot.

Large trucks should either avoid your new asphalt or avoid long-term parking until the lot is fully cured. This will prevent sudden cracks, dents or a compromised structure. For more information or to receive a quote for a freshly paved asphalt parking lot, contact Azzarelli Paving by calling 813-313-4579 or sending an email today.

A Primer on Potholes

If there is one thing everyone can agree on it’s that potholes are a pain – you will never complain about potholes and have someone disagree with you. Aside from that though, most people don’t know a lot about how potholes are formed and even less about how to properly repair them. Here is some basic information on the nemesis of drivers from Canada to Florida.


Potholes are caused by weather, age, water, and disruption from vehicles. All of these factors work on the road surface to create cracks that, grow larger over time. No matter how your road is constructed, potholes can form. The four main causes of potholes can be summarized as follows:

  • Inadequate drainage
  • Thin pavement that doesn’t support vehicle traffic at certain times of the year
  • Failure at man-holes and trenches
  • Delayed maintenance that results in cracks and moisture entering the base layer of the road

The more time between the first cracks appearing and preventative maintenance being performed, the bigger the pothole. Truly impressive potholes represent a failure on the part of a business owner or the agency responsible for repairs.


The key to preventing potholes is catching them in their early stages. Asphalt repair by a professional paving company will be less expensive and take less time than repairing a fully-formed pothole. Sealcoating can play a role in preventing potholes by strengthening the surface of the asphalt with a layer of coal-tar pitch or asphalt cement.

Once a large pothole forms, the hole must be filled with suitable materials and resurfaced. This involves bringing in heavy equipment and often shutting down a parking lot for a day or more.

For asphalt resurfacing, sealcoating, pothole repair, overlays, and striping, contact Azzarelli Paving in Florida. We have been operating in the Tampa area for over 30 years, working to eradicate potholes and produce clean asphalt parking lots for businesses. Call or email us today!

Does Your Property Need Sealcoating, Resurfacing, or Repaving?

If the parking lot and driveways of your commercial property have seen better days, you have options when it comes to improving the appearance and safety of paved areas. Here’s what you need to know about the benefits of sealcoating, resurfacing, and repaving commercial asphalt.

The Sealcoating Solution

Sealcoating is designed to protect asphalt that’s in generally good shape. It does so with a clear coating that shields the material from damage caused by UV rays, automotive fluids, rain, and snow. Although sealcoating can prevent the development of cracks that lead to dangerous and unsightly potholes, it does not repair existing damage. Each application of the coating lasts for about five years and can extend the life of your lot, keeping it dark, smooth, and damage-free.

Facts About Resurfacing

If your asphalt has a strong, undamaged foundation, along with some surface damage, resurfacing can restore the appearance of your parking lot and fix cracks that will expand if left unrepaired. In general, resurfacing is an option if cracks and potholes represent no more than 30% of the asphalt’s total surface area. This treatment can be done before sealcoating and will extend the life of your lot and prevent the need for costly premature replacement.

Repaving Recommendations

Asphalt areas with extensive damage should be completely repaved to keep your visitors and their vehicles safe. With repaving, the old asphalt is completely removed and new asphalt is applied. Repaving is required when the foundation of your parking lot is damaged and/or cracks, craters, and potholes represent more than 30% of the asphalt surface area.

You may want to consider repaving if your parking lot requires frequent repairs and costly maintenance to ward off cracks and potholes. Sunken or crumbling areas also signify that your asphalt has reached the end of its useful lifespan.

Azzarelli Paving & Site Development can analyze your commercial lot and recommend whether sealcoating, resurfacing, or repaving is the smartest choice. Contact us today by calling 813-313-4579 or sending an email to to get started.

How Tampa’s Weather Can Damage Your Asphalt

While, in general, most seek out Tampa’s weather for a vacation getaway, with bright sunshine and warm days, the extent at which the outside conditions can reach may cause some problems, instead of relaxation. Summer weather in Tampa can raise the temperatures to remain in the nineties and above. Sunny days can lead to intense light rays. The rainy season can result in hard downpours with a great deal of water left on the ground. These are just a few ways that Tampa weather can become more extreme, which leads to asphalt damage.

How Heat Damages Asphalt

When the summer days make the air much hotter, it causes the exposed asphalt on the surface to expand. Meanwhile, the lower layers of asphalt remain cooler, keeping contracted. This change in shape and difference in layers can cause cracking and fractures.

How Sunlight Damages Asphalt

UV rays cause a number of issues. Just as a brightly colored object would become bleached in the sunlight, asphalt fades over time under the sun. These rays also lead to deterioration in the structure, as well, weakening the surface, warping it and creating soft spots.

How Rain Damages Asphalt

While water from anything can lead to damage, the amount of rain in Tampa reaches levels that are damaging on its own. Since asphalt is porous, water can seep through the surface and into lower layers. Water erodes away at the material, breaking it down and causing cracks.

How to Protect Your Asphalt

Regular maintenance is key to ensuring that your asphalt is protected from the damaging qualities of Tampa’s weather. An immediate fix can include patching of specific areas where cracks or holes have appeared. Asphalt overlay can also be done to resurface your asphalt, keeping the surface from deteriorating further and protecting lower layers. Regularly sealing the surface can also add extra protection to already intact asphalt. If you would like to keep your asphalt looking new and remaining strong, contact Azzarelli Paving at 813-313-4579 or email us at for a free estimate on repairs and treatment.

Extend the Life of Your Parking Lot with Regular Sealcoating


Commercial parking lots not only provide your customers and vendors a place to park their vehicle, but they are also an opportunity to make a good impression. A parking lot free of potholes and other unsightly blemishes gives the customer the impression your business values quality. Sealcoating the parking lot every two to three years can extend the life and beauty of your asphalt.

Asphalt Maintenance

Sealcoating adds to the property value and gives the asphalt an attractive new look. New parking lots should be sealcoated after the first year. In addition to sealcoating every couple of years, asphalt maintenance requires patching and crack repair when necessary. Fixing these issues before they become a larger problem protects the investment made in the asphalt.

Site Preparation

Parking lots can be sealed all at once or in stages depending on project size. Most companies clean the asphalt prior to applying the sealcoat. Patching and fixing cracks should happen before the sealcoat is applied. Turn off the irrigation system before sealing and during the drying process. The portion to be worked on should be barricaded off.

Coating Application

The contractor often recommends the type of sealcoat to use on the parking lot. The sealcoating is applied using a sprayer or broom depending on the site. The amount of traffic the asphalt handles and the local weather conditions affect the type of sealcoating applied and the application method. It is often economical to apply more than one coat of sealer for a more durable coating.

Maintaining your asphalt parking lot with regular sealcoating can extend its life up to 300%. The contractor working on the parking lot can provide the best sealcoat type to use and recommend a maintenance plan for your specific usage and needs. A quality paved parking lot makes the entire building look better. Call Azzarelli Paving at 813-313-4579or send an email to to schedule your next sealcoat.

5 Tips For When You Need to Repair Your Asphalt Parking Lot

asphalt parking lot

Maintaining your commercial asphalt parking lot is important for putting your best foot forward. It is one of the first things people will see when they arrive on your property, so you want it to look good. These simple tips help you ensure you’re making a positive first impression.

Stop Problems before They Start

The best way to lower the cost of replacing your asphalt lot is to maintain it. Keep your lot protected with seal coating to preserve it against damage. Sealcoating extends the life of the asphalt which will help you avoid having to pay for a new lot less frequently.

Monitor Your Perimeter

Keep an eye on the outer edges of your lot as it begins to age. These areas are more susceptible to damage, and often provide your first indicators that the lot is in need of some touching up or replacing.

Pay Attention to the Details

Even when your asphalt is holding up well, it’s possible some of your detailing may require some work. If your lines are beginning to crack or erode, get them repainted. Clear lines are safer and also make a stronger impression on new visitors.

An Overlay May Be Your Best Option

If your lot has taken on damage, replacement may not be your last resort. Ask your asphalt professional about the possibility of utilizing an asphalt overlay to add some life to your lot.

Don’t Pinch Pennies When Replacement is required

Once you’ve exhausted your other cost-saving options and have to commit to a new lot, it’s time to stop looking to save every cent. It’s better to pay a quality contractor a higher price for a lot that will last longer than it is to hire a bargain rate competitor and ending up with multiple replacements when you could have had just the one.

If your asphalt parking lot needs work done, count on the quality work of Azzarelli Paving. Get in touch today by calling 813-313-4579 or sending an email to!

Choose the Right Paving Company

The state of your parking lot makes or breaks your first impression with guests or clients. Curb appeal needs upkeep just like a roof or elevator. When you consider repaving your parking lot, there are four things to keep in mind when choosing a good paving company.

1. Insurance

It is important to always check and see if the paving company you are interested in has insurance to cover accidents so you are not the one held responsible. A major red flag is a company without insurance because that means you could be taking a huge and unnecessary risk.

2. Reputation

Does the company you select have a good reputation? You want to know the job will be delivered on time, without cutting any corners. Online reviews are a good source to discover the quality of a company’s work. You could also ask friends or family if they know anything about your chosen company.

3. Money

While money should not be the sole deciding factor, it is important. Many companies quote low prices but have hidden fees. Others require a down payment before any work is done. A reputable company should not ask for money before starting a job and should be upfront about their prices. At the very least, they should be forthright if you ask about hidden fees.

4. Employees

It’s good to ensure the paving company you choose has the proper amount of personnel on staff to finish the job in a timely manner without compromising on quality. They also need to have all the required equipment. Without the right resources, the job may not be done to your satisfaction.

A Paving Company You Can Trust

Pavement is not what immediately comes to mind when considering commercial property maintenance, yet it plays a large role in the overall appearance of your brand. The tips above should help you choose the right paving company for you, like Azzarelli Paving. Call us at 813-313-4579 or email today.