
Extend the Life of Your Parking Lot with Regular Sealcoating


Commercial parking lots not only provide your customers and vendors a place to park their vehicle, but they are also an opportunity to make a good impression. A parking lot free of potholes and other unsightly blemishes gives the customer the impression your business values quality. Sealcoating the parking lot every two to three years can extend the life and beauty of your asphalt.

Asphalt Maintenance

Sealcoating adds to the property value and gives the asphalt an attractive new look. New parking lots should be sealcoated after the first year. In addition to sealcoating every couple of years, asphalt maintenance requires patching and crack repair when necessary. Fixing these issues before they become a larger problem protects the investment made in the asphalt.

Site Preparation

Parking lots can be sealed all at once or in stages depending on project size. Most companies clean the asphalt prior to applying the sealcoat. Patching and fixing cracks should happen before the sealcoat is applied. Turn off the irrigation system before sealing and during the drying process. The portion to be worked on should be barricaded off.

Coating Application

The contractor often recommends the type of sealcoat to use on the parking lot. The sealcoating is applied using a sprayer or broom depending on the site. The amount of traffic the asphalt handles and the local weather conditions affect the type of sealcoating applied and the application method. It is often economical to apply more than one coat of sealer for a more durable coating.

Maintaining your asphalt parking lot with regular sealcoating can extend its life up to 300%. The contractor working on the parking lot can provide the best sealcoat type to use and recommend a maintenance plan for your specific usage and needs. A quality paved parking lot makes the entire building look better. Call Azzarelli Paving at 813-313-4579or send an email to to schedule your next sealcoat.

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