
The Benefits of Asphalt Milling for Your Parking Lot

It’s a given that your parking lot is important to your success. Your efforts to keep it nice benefit your employees and your customers by creating a safe environment for driving and walking. When your parking lot looks good, your company looks good. Still, you may have questions on how best to go about maintaining your lot in the most efficient and affordable manner. Discover why asphalt milling is often an excellent solution.

The Process of Asphalt Milling

This process is relatively new, gaining favor in the 1970s. It starts with grinding up the old asphalt surface from an inch or two down to full removal depth. The sub-base of the lot is left intact. The removed asphalt is taken to a recycling facility where the materials are turned into a new mix and then applied back to your parking lot. The numerous benefits of this approach include the following:

  • The process is quick and affordable
  • It can be used for the entire parking lot or just sections of it
  • It uses less resources and energy than a complete repaving
  • It reduces the height of a lot that has had multiple overlays
  • It can help retain effective drainage of the lot

This process can be especially cost-effective when you have specific areas that need attention. The damaged parts are removed, recycled, and then reapplied to bring the area to the desired height.

The Importance of Regular Maintenance

It’s never smart to let your parking lot go too long without an inspection. Problems such as poor drainage, faded out markings, and potholes only get worse with time and wind up costing a lot. Plus, a well-maintained lot cuts down on customer complaints and the possibility of lawsuits. Set up a regular inspection schedule so you won’t be blindsided by expensive repairs. Contact Azzarelli Paving and Site Development by calling 813-296-6500 or sending us an email to learn more about asphalt milling and other ways to improve your lot.

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