Asphalt Site Development and Installation: What You Need to Know

On-site parking is a huge perk that is often taken for granted. People don’t realize how convenient it is until they get somewhere and street parking as the only option. Having a parking lot on your property is a key factor in your business’s success. Think about it, if there are two grocery stores nearby, one with a spacious parking lot and one where you have to find a spot on the street, which are you going to choose? Nine out of ten people will choose the store with a parking lot. Some people will even drive a little further if it means easy parking. So if you are building a new property, or considering adding or replacing a parking lot on an existing property, keep this in mind.
Experience Makes a Difference
You should never trust your asphalt parking lot to just anyone who claims to be able to get the job done. At Azzarelli Paving, we have years of experience in the industry. Since 1948, our company has been excavating, hauling, paving, and completing a wide range of other industry-related services for business owners in and around Tampa.
Your Sub-Base Is Important
One element of your asphalt parking lot that we pay special attention to is your sub-base. Sure, you want the top layer to look good and function well, but if the sub-base isn’t installed properly, it could change the integrity and drainage of your lot. Our professional sub-base installation cuts down on the amount of sinking, shifting, and cracking your lot experiences.
Asphalt Is a Green Solution
When you think of top recycled products, you most likely think of paper or plastic. However, asphalt is actually one of the top recycled materials in the nation, along with concrete and steel. Other products, such as concrete, asphalt shingles, and oil, are also recycled to create asphalt parking lots.
Contact Us Today
At Azzarelli Paving & Site Development, we are committed to the structural integrity and efficiency of your asphalt parking lot. When you’re thinking about site development and installation, call 813-296-6500 or send us an email to discuss your options.